Iceland for BG magazine
This was one of my first editorials and I was lucky enough to shoot in my home country Iceland! I spent a week traveling across Iceland shooting for multiple magazines. The images here are in just one of Iceland's many glaciers, Jökulsárlón. Its a mouthful haha, I know. So I am actually inside the glacier water, but I was wearing waiters so it wasn't too bad.
I shot with a photographer name Mike Ruiz, and in that one week he taught me so much and even though I was freezing in almost every photo I was so grateful to him and his team. This was definitely my favorite story from Iceland; not only was able to say that I am probably one of few to go inside the glacier water, (there were signs almost everywhere saying it was prohibited to do so) but I also was surrounded by scenery that looked almost photoshopped. Grateful to say the least to have had this experience.